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Day School or Boarding School? Which one is better? 

As parents, our responsibility and desire are to give our children the best, and this starts with finding the right school for them. Education goes beyond textbooks and classroom learning, modern-day students require wholesome attention and opportunities that will help them adapt to the rapid changes. Though there are many schools affiliated with excellent education boards, activities and teaching methodologies, it is important to find a school that is aligned with your child’s interests and well-being. There is merit to day school and boarding school, however, it is important to consider which fits your needs best.

Day School and Boarding School Differences

Day School Merits
Boarding School Merits
  • After school, the learner returns to the comfort of home and family.
  • Learners can pursue hobbies and interests outside of school.
  • It is less expensive compared to boarding schools.
  • Learners meet and interact with a larger group of people outside the school.
  • Parents are more involved in the learner’s education on a daily basis.
  • Learners learn independence and resourcefulness from a young age.
  • They are more disciplined as they adhere to a strict schedule.
  • They form close bonds with their peer group and there is better camaraderie on campus.
  • The learner’s education does not suffer when the family moves cities frequently.
  • Learners are aware of opportunities and are goal-oriented.

The primary difference between day school and boarding school is that in day school the learner attends school for a fixed time (morning or afternoon batch) and returns home. Boarding schools have hostel facilities, so learners live on campus. Some differences between day school and boarding school are -


In day schools, learners stay behind after classes if they have enrolled for extracurricular activities and after their classes/practice, they return home. In boarding schools, since the learners stay on campus, they have a schedule as per which they have regular school hours and after-school activities. In boarding schools learners’ schedules are fixed for the entire day as -

  • School class time
  • Meal times
  • Activity time
  • Play/ free time
  • Study hour
  • Bedtime


Boarding school learners are self-sufficient because they are expected to take care of their personal effects and they are responsible for taking care of their everyday routine from a young age. Day school learners go home and their self-sufficiency and reliance on family and help depends on the environment created in the house.


Boarding school learners have a regular school where they attend classes, are assigned homework and appear for exams. They are responsible for managing their study timetable, and doing their homework and if they need any help they can seek it from their academic guides, seniors or classmates. Day boarders do not entirely rely on school, they can take the help of parents, siblings, friends outside the school, or private tutors if they are not clear with the concepts.

All-round development

Boarding schools have multiple sports programmes, fine arts and performing arts programmes, and other events and since learners are staying on-campus the schools include participation in these activities as part of the learner’s regular schedule and every learner must participate in some extracurricular activity. With day school, since learners have to go back home, they may opt not to participate in extracurricular activities because of the inconvenience of having to stay back after school.

Time management or organisation

since day school learners have a schedule to adhere to, their day is regulated and they learn time management from a young age. Since they are responsible for taking care of their belongings and managing their needs, they learn to be organised and better manage their time. Dayschool learners have families to fall back on to take care of their needs if they miss something.

Camaraderie and relationship with the school

Boarding school learners have strong camaraderie with friends at school as they spend even the time after school with the same peer group. Their relationship with their teachers and administration is closer as they rely on them as mentors, and guides and for emotional and physical support and security. Day school learners also share a good camaraderie with their peers and teachers who they are close to and do activities closely with. Staying with their families, they get emotional support at home.

How well a learner thrives and how much they benefit from the school depends on the school too. If there is a boarding school that offers better advantages to your child with programmes, opportunities and teaching standards, then you must consider sending them to the boarding school. As schools store learners’ reports and grades on their web portal, parents can track their child’s progress and communicate directly with teachers and administration about any concerns.


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