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IB Diploma Programme curriculum

International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme | IBCP

Knowledgeum Academy is a Candidate School* for the IBCP. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education that Knowledgeum Academy believes is important for our students.

*Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: The Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme, or the Career-Related (CP) Programme. Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit

IB Diploma Programme curriculum

Overview of International Baccalaureate Career Related (CP) Programme framework

The CP is an international education framework that blends IB ideals into a one-of-a-kind course that meets the needs of students pursuing career-Related (CP) education.

The programme leads to further/higher education opportunities, apprenticeships, and employment.

IB Diploma Programme curriculum

Importance of IBCP in fostering career readiness

The CP was designed specifically for students who want to engage in career-Related (CP) learning by developing transferable and lifelong skills in applied knowledge, critical thinking, communication, and cross-cultural awareness.

IB Diploma Programme curriculum

What is International Baccalaureate Career Related (CP) Programme?

Defining IB Career-Related (CP) Programme

The CP core components give context to the DP courses and the career-Related (CP) study, drawing all aspects of the framework together. Through the CP core, students develop personal qualities and professional skills, as well as intellectual habits required for lifelong learning.

How Career-Related (CP) Programme complements the traditional IB Diploma Programme?

Every school chooses the career-Related (CP) study which is most suited to relevant surroundings, and the needs of its students. The career-Related (CP) study must satisfy IB criteria for accreditation, assessment and quality assurance.

Structure of International Baccalaureate Career Related (CP) Programme

Core components: Personal and Professional Skills (PPS), Reflective Project, Service Learning and Language Development.

IB Diploma Programme curriculum

Personal and Professional Skills

Personal and professional skills are nurtured in students to develop attitudes, skills and strategies which can be applied to personal and professional contexts. This course emphasises a range of skill development pertinent to different workplace situations.

IB Diploma Programme curriculum

Reflective Project

The reflective project is an extensive body of work created over a long period of time and submitted near the end of the CP. Students use a reflective project to identify, assess, critically discuss, and evaluate an ethical issue connected to their career studies.

The reflective project fosters high-level research, writing, and expanded communication abilities, as well as intellectual discovery and creative thinking.

IB Diploma Programme curriculum

Service Learning

Service learning refers to the development and application of knowledge and skills towards meeting an identified and authentic community need.

Learners often undertake service initiatives Related (CP) to previously studied topics in their academic disciplines in this research-based approach using skills, understandings and values developed throughout the curriculum.

IB Diploma Programme curriculum

Language Development

Language development ensures that every learner has access to a language programme that assists and diversifies their understanding of the world around them. IB emphasises that the ability to communicate in multiple languages is essential especially in an international education.

Language development encourages students to improve their proficiency in a language other than their first language. It is introduced to ensure the learners fluidity in their future academic or professional set up.

Benefits of International Baccalaureate Career Related (CP) Programme

IB Diploma Programme curriculum

Preparation for the workforce

The CP enables students to:

  • Navigate towards their choice of education and career pathways in life
  • Infuse academic subjects with their personal and professional interests and potential
  • Partake in immersive and inclusive learning
  • Think critically and creatively
  • Comprehend and communicate eloquently in a variety of situations
  • Work independently and in collaboratively
  • Consider new perspectives and other points of view
  • Develop greater self-confidence and self-awareness
  • Exhibit increase resilience and flexibility academically and personally
  • Inculcate a sound global approach
  • Apply their knowledge to real-world circumstances.

Alignment with career goals and interests

The career-Related (CP) study is designed to prepare students for higher education, an internship or apprenticeship, or a position in a designated field of interest.

It provides the opportunity for students to learn about theories and concepts through application and practice while developing broad-based skills in authentic and meaningful contexts. Students who complete the programme receive the International Baccalaureate Career-Related (CP) Programme Certificate, the certification awarded by the career-Related (CP) study provider and, if applicable, their secondary school high school diploma.

Academic rigour and real-world application

Learners in the Career-Related (CP) Programme develop skills that are sought out by employers. The programme’s curriculum framework develops:

  • Proficiency linguistics
  • Analytical and pragmatic skills
  • Maturity and responsibility
  • Time management skills
  • A strong work ethic
  • Social and communication skills

International Baccalaureate Career Related (CP) Programme Curriculum

IB Diploma Programme curriculum

IBCP students undertake:

  1. A minimum of two IB Diploma (DP) courses of their choice. At Knowledgeum Academy, we recommend students to undertake three IB Diploma Courses of which English is mandatory.
  2. CP core consisting of four components:
    • Personal and Professional Skills
    • Service Learning
    • Reflective Projects
    • Language Development
  3. Career-Related (CP) studies

    We are offering career-Related (CP) studies in Business Management

Assessment and Grading in the IBCP

IB Diploma Programme curriculum

Integrated Assessment

Assessment includes internal and external components to evaluate students' understanding and application of knowledge.

IB Diploma Programme curriculum

Grade Range

Diploma Programme (DP) courses within the CP are assessed in accordance with rigorous international standards. Learners take written examinations at the end of their courses, which are marked by external IB examiners. The marks awarded for each course range from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest).

IB Diploma Programme curriculum

Study Paths in IBCP

Exploring different career-Related (CP) study pathways

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Career-Related (CP) Programme helps students prepare for the job while also developing their personal qualities.

As a result, students are guided towards a path of their own choosing, such as further/higher education, apprenticeships, or employment.

Comparison between IBDP and IBCP


  • Focused on Academics
  • 6 Subject Courses + DP Core
  • DP Core includes TOK, EE, and CAS
  • 3 HL and 3 SL Subjects Mandatory
  • Assessment: Total 45 Credits


  • Academics + Career-Oriented
  • Minimum 2 DP Subject Courses (Maximum 4) + CP Core + 3 Subjects from Career-Related (CP) Studies Provider
  • CP Core includes Personal and Professional Skills + Reflective Projects + Service Learning + Language Development (In our case, students can choose from English / Hindi / Spanish)
  • 1 HL and 1 SL Subject Mandatory
  • Assessment: DP Course - Out of 7 Credits in Each Subject + Reflective Projects – A to E grade where D is the mandatory grade to be secured + Career-Related (CP) Studies – As per the assessment criteria of the CRS provider to be cleared


Both the IBDP and IBCP are excellent options for students interested in higher education. The IBDP offers a rigorous academic curriculum that prepares students for university-level studies, while the IBCP integrates academic subjects with career-Related (CP) learning experiences, enhancing students' employability and readiness for further education.
Yes, many universities in the United States do accept the IBCP for admission. The IBCP is recognised and respected by universities globally, including those in the US.
The International Baccalaureate Career-Related (CP) Programme (IBCP) is a framework offered by the International Baccalaureate (IB) organization for students aged 16 to 19. It combines academic subjects with practical, career-Related (CP) skills, preparing students for both further education and employment.
While other IB programmes like the Diploma Programme (DP) focus solely on academic studies, the IBCP integrates career-Related (CP) learning experiences into the curriculum. It emphasises the development of practical skills alongside academic knowledge.
The IBCP consists of three core elements: at least two IB Diploma Programme courses, a career-Related (CP) study (which can include vocational courses, apprenticeships, or internships), and the CP core, which includes personal and professional skills, service learning, and a reflective project.
The IBCP is designed for students who want a well-rounded education that prepares them for both higher education and the workforce. It's particularly suited for students with clear career goals or interests in specific vocational pathways.
The IBCP provides students with a balanced education that fosters academic achievement while developing practical skills and real-world experience. It enhances students' employability and prepares them for success in further education, careers, and lifelong learning.
Yes, students who complete the IBCP can pursue further education at universities and colleges around the world. The IBCP is recognised and respected by higher education institutions for its rigorous academic standards and focus on holistic development.
You can find schools that offer the IBCP by visiting the International Baccalaureate website or contacting your local IB World School. These schools have been authorized by the IB organisation to offer IB programmes, including the IBCP.
Yes, the IBCP is recognised and respected by universities, employers, and educational authorities worldwide. Its international recognition ensures that students can pursue further education and employment opportunities globally.
Yes, students can customise their IBCP experience by choosing career-Related (CP) studies that align with their interests and goals. The flexibility of the programme allows students to tailor their education to suit their individual strengths and aspirations.
To learn more about the International Baccalaureate Career-Related (CP) Programme (IBCP), you can visit the official IB website or contact your school's IB coordinator. They can provide you with detailed information about the programme's curriculum, requirements, and benefits.
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